[In Response to an Opinion Piece in the Albuquerque Journal by JOLINE GUTIERREZ KRUEGER / JOURNAL STAFF WRITER Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 at 12:02am https://www.abqjournal.com/1320926/prolife-saint-not-saintly-to-all.html?fbclid=IwAR3Hrl8HMhaTp64k4c9RVLZ3KnC5V9YEFvn2WKDk_ch1kWrGw55XKx6B1i0 Whether Phil Leahy is a truly saintly man may indeed be a matter of opinion, but that he had the right to stand and voice his beliefs in accordance with laws, is without question. And no one had a right to do violence upon him because of a difference of opinion. A good journalist would have recognized that right; and a journalistically trained editorial writer would have defended Mr. Leahy’s right. To mimic the headline of the “Leahy is not a Saint at all” article, Southwestern Women's Options Clinic is not a clinic to all. It doesn’t heal. It destroys. Its perpetrator, Dr. Curtis Boyd is no Doctor either. He destroys late term babies that will have their futures ended by having the...