Dearest Deacon Tom:
You are pretty brash
to confront me directly. Everyone mistakes me for the enemy. Not true!
Actually, I am swirling around you in an effort to keep you from deluding
yourselves. The delusion is there is some great messiah who will somehow come
and rescue your species from what seems to be an inevitable and incurable
tendency to self-destruction. My solution has always been the same: power,
honor, riches, and pleasure are good for success. It’s when you think they are
vices that your world unravels.
For hells sake let me
make this a better world for you. I can demonstrate the key to having the
greatest life you can. You just have to trust me. I tell no lies.
But now I'm being
blamed for what you call atrocities in the Middle East. I am not the author of political correctness
when it comes to radical Islam; I think the author is some former graduate of
Harvard who I really can’t claim credit for simply because he’s accomplished a
lot on his own and doing well for himself. At a prayer breakfast he blamed it all
on the Inquisition and Crusades. I happen to agree.
Here’s the scoop. War
is necessary and effective. Peace and appeasement are the blockade to the
unification of your species because there will always be some twit out there
like a Hitler who acts so strangely so as to supposedly give me competition. I
am more subtle than that. I am your species’ salvation. The guy who supposedly
died on a cross 2000 years ago is dead. The purported stories of his
resurrection are fictitious.
Indeed, I am a spirit
who can materialize into shapes that your species recognizes. I can materialize
into animals and human beings. My purpose is to give you clues how to survive
in a world that is meant to overcome you. Didn’t the Bible say: Thou art dust
and unto dust thou shalt return?” Some say I am a bad angel. That's a little
judgmental. However, it is right to say that we whisper into your ears in order
to give you a fighting chance against the natural forces and delusions you
encounter in your world. And while I spend all this time trying to gain your
trust at my own cost and to my own detriment, I am forced to endure criticisms
of my “badness”, my “evilness”. Enough already! Let’s call a truce. Even though
the "doomers" and "gloomers" propose that the end of
the world is to come shortly. Ha! That’s one I’ve been watching for eons and
from my super bowl seat. Um…I don’t
think so, at least not in my life time.
We will make much more
progress if you just listen a bit to my advice concerning your need to enjoy
life. Life is too short to be anxious about anything. Like the song says,
“Don’t worry, be happy.” One of my favorite quotations is not from Shakespeare
which you like to throw in my face, but rather from the Rubayat of Omar
Khayyam. I quote: “And if the wine you
drink and the lips you press ends in all the nothings ALL things end in, yes,
Then fancy while thou art, for thou art nothing and thou shalt not be less.” It’s like saying, eat, drink, and be merry.
You know, “carpe diem.”
Hey Reverend Mister,
you make way too much of a philosophical sop out of me. I’m just your everyday
spirit who wants to ease you through life one day at a time. Don’t worry about
confessionals, or repenting, or feeling guilty, or even whether or not you
stick to moral codes. You have those supposedly built within you although
that’s a delusion that works against you and in my favor. And so you ask,
“what's Luce’s favor?”
I play a numbers game.
Luce’s favor is convincing as many of your kind as possible to live like the
God you think exists but doesn’t. Live like the Supreme Being you have created
in your minds to justify your own power grabs and narcissistic ventures. As for
me being the father of narcissism, well I can only say that if I looked into a
clear lake, I would not see my own reflection as spirits have no physical
dimension. So it would be impossible for me to fall in love with myself.
Additionally, as a spirit, I have no emotions. Love is out of the question; but
my oh my, I love to see your species drunk with pleasure, wine glasses full,
and living like there is no tomorrow. There will ALWAYS be a tomorrow. Lighten up friend.
More to come my
friend. Remember, I am your savior from
yourselves. Please believe in me or at least believe me.
Your BFF
Luce (aka The Devil)
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