Dear Deacon Tom: I gather you
were not too pleased with my last response. However, I don’t aim to be popular (at
least not on the surface of things.)
Things are heating up in the world today. Even so, I try my best to influence your species to do “the right thing”. So before you “write me off”, please know I am very persistent. I’m a pest so to speak. How can I convince you to join the world crowd in accepting the inevitable “new world order” within your souls? They can’t all be wrong. You ask: “And what is that new world order?”
Things are heating up in the world today. Even so, I try my best to influence your species to do “the right thing”. So before you “write me off”, please know I am very persistent. I’m a pest so to speak. How can I convince you to join the world crowd in accepting the inevitable “new world order” within your souls? They can’t all be wrong. You ask: “And what is that new world order?”
Well I am here to tell you that
the new world order is not reflected on CNN or Fox News, but rather it’s in the
palm of your hands. It’s in every Facebook message, text or email you receive.
It’s in every dollar that is paid over the internet. It’s in every sense of
security that you have when you conduct your business in Myber (Cyber) Space. Agreements no longer depend upon a human
handshake, solemn oaths, written contracts with real signatures, and face to
face dialogue. It worked for my good friend Dr. Faustus. But not anymore! This
is the new world of “spirit” or let me say, “virtual reality. This is “my”
world order. You, deacon, are all too headstrong
in holding on to your old ways. Go with the flow!
In order to best take advantage
of my advice you first have to quit seeing me as trying to harm you. But I take
it you blame me for beheadings and burnings in the Middle East. While I do have a place for knives and flames
in my repertoire, I am not the author of political correctness when it comes to
radical Islam. Rather, I think the author is some former Harvard Grad who I
really can’t claim credit for simply because he’s accomplished a lot on his own
and the dude is doing extremely well for himself. At a recent prayer breakfast
he blamed it all on the Inquisition and Crusades. I happen to agree. At the
same time, I stand with the leaders in Congress who say that the Prime Minister
in Israel is inciting war.
Here’s the scoop. War is
necessary and effective. Postponement of war is the blockade to the unification
of your species because there will always be some twit out there like a Hitler,
Saddam, Stalin, and Son of Sam as if they give me competition. I am more subtle
than that. I am your species’ salvation. The guy who supposedly died on a cross
2000 years ago is dead. The purported stories of his resurrection are
fictitious. I leave it there for now, especially that I have given some hot
political commentary on current events. Know that I am following you wherever
you go and am very interested in your making it in the world. Peace.
Your BFF Luce
To the reader: We are
pretty close now to the time of the year where we memorialize a person, a
single, solitary life, of the “guy from Nazareth” Luce refers to. No other
single, solitary life in history has affected more aspects of our being, of history
and time, of our potential for good, and our potential for survival in the face
of the most difficult of circumstances. Life always overcomes death. Faith
overcomes doubt. Light always dissipates darkness and nothing in this world
makes sense without walking through a transitory darkness to arrive at the
moment wherein we see the unseen and know we live forever. Our human
consciousness moves into an eternal sphere of living of our own choosing. The
only catch is that the choice of thumbs up or down is made before eternity begins. I’m not certain it is worth my while
to continue my open conversation with Luce. He is vague and unwieldy. He is
dubious. He is the prince of lies, of smoke and mirrors. I’m not certain I have
what it takes to “dance with the devil”. So I may just disengage our
correspondence hoping that whatever has been laid out before is a useful sample
of Luce’s illusive and almost attractive offers. Luce’s offers will undoubtedly
be persistent as he hopes to catch me off guard or as he hopes to tire me out.
He is much too dismissive of the person of Jesus. Please note that he calls Him
the “guy from Nazareth” because Luce cannot get himself to utter that ubiquitous
As we will soon head into Holy Week, I want you
to contemplate this one solitary life of Jesus as pivotal for all aspects of
human existence: I almost wish Jesus
would write to me directly. Perhaps I may be surprised in the near future, but
that might be just a little too much to expect. And then again, that is
certainly a conclusion Luce would have me come too. Of course, I doubt
seriously Jesus would write me a traditional letter, but then again, isn’t that
what the Bible is? All in all, I’m prepared to be surprised by the one the
Devil dismisses so casually. Ugh! The
devil would have me entertained by the Easter Bunny.
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