Dr. Curtis Boyd, Abortionist: the Tower of Abortive Choice, Anarchy, and the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Introduction: The Hanging Chad of the Unborn
Albuquerque, New Mexico’s Dr. Curtis Boyd, is a cult hero to some. To others he is the devil incarnate. Boyd is an abortionist. He performs third trimester and even partial birth abortions as it is legal within the Albuquerque city limits. Tragically, when the issue was submitted as a referendum to the citizenry of this predominantly Hispanic Catholic city, ashamedly, it passed. I am told by Elisa Martinez, Executive Director of the New Mexico Alliance for Life that Boyd’s very modest and unspectacular looking clinic in the center of town will often have its tree-lined asphalt parking lot full with the license plates hailing from far flung states and even other countries.
unabashedly proclaims his pride that this predominantly Catholic city is
considered the number one partial birth abortion capital of the United States. Ironically,
even though the laws allow for Boyd to practice his specialty, he remains
controversial. Even though Boyd’s actions are under the protection of American
and even local jurisprudence, his clinics become a frequent gathering point for
marches and prayer sessions in support of the lives that are taken a stone’s
throw away. To those of us who believe that there is a deep theological and
even pastoral prioritization of the “right to life” as the highest of values to
protect, it seems oxymoronic that the ending of lives of real flesh and blood
persons in a womb is considered politically and culturally acceptable. (Ref: Evangelium Vitae) Because of the
error of American jurisprudence, we see a concomitant inordinate subordination by
the Church of that priority compared with other social justice issues of concern.
It is nothing less than acquiescence from an ecclesial, pastoral, and moral
perspective. It seems that Rerum Novarum’s
proffered “preferential option for the poor” appears not to apply to the most
innocent of human lives.
New Mexico, the extensive arms of the Pro-choice movement embrace an even more
abhorrent phenomenon in Christian and Catholic society, the zealous, profuse,
and abrasive support of some New Mexicans who claim to be religious leaders
consisting of mostly of mainline liberal protestants. Such a stance would be anathema to
evangelicals. And based upon magisterial church teaching, you would think that
such as stance would be anathema to Catholics.
But while the majority of participants
in the unholy alliance with abortionists are ecumenical protestants and
schismatic catholic enclaves, there are mainline Roman Catholic laity who are
in positions of political power who themselves offer up and support legislative
mandates that are for abortive rights and work to defeat initiatives that run
counter the alliance’s purposes.
There are no Roman Catholic ordained church
leaders who would admit to even tacit support of abortive rights efforts;
however, it seems that even ordained leadership obfuscates the issue’s
importance by a strong emphasis on other social justice issues seemingly of immediate concern. The Church’s acknowledgement of the priority of life over
other issues is often written and spoken in articles and homilies; however, following not
long afterward is the perennial “but,” that precedes their real focus, the
immediate issues of immigration, poverty, and social injustice. These “sequiturs”
are an excuse for the "political" church to remain open to a “political base” of support
that indeed is in lock step with the church on these issues; but out of sync with regard to the issue of
the "hanging chad” of the unborn life. In this way, the Church has unaware, defrocked themselves of
spiritual authority and have abrogated a spiritual responsibility; they have subsequently vested themselves in the secular robes of “political authority.” Leaders have
become less shepherds of souls -- and more political operatives.
explanation is the only possible argument that sheds light on why a majority
Catholic/Christian region with strong roots in traditionalism would have veered
off the road of the ancient Judeo Christian ethic and morality that has always
honored life in the womb and abhorred all violence against it.
Of course it is understood that a
strong impetus causing this phenomenon in this state is the long standing
regional identification of Hispanic culture in New Mexico with the party of the
New Deal, the party of President John F. Kennedy, a Catholic, of Senator Joseph
M. Montoya, and for many years considered the titular party of the poor, the
working man, the immigrant, and the down trodden. This phenomena is what has given rise to cultural Catholicism much in the same way we see cultural Judaism.
let me return to the famous or infamous Dr. Boyd. As a Catholic Deacon of the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe, I do not see Boyd as a cult hero; nor do I give him
the polarizing notoriety he seeks by calling him Satan. I am no apologist for
the abortionist. I certainly dedicate my prayers for Boyd’s conversion so that
he either becomes a Christian or quits misrepresenting that he is one. The
clock is ticking and Boyd is not getting any younger being already in his 70s.
abortion is an overriding concern, I am more concerned over the
misrepresentation of so called religious and politico-religious leaders that
they display the banner of Judeo- Christian ethics and morals for their
political ends. They are less concerned about winning souls and more about
winning elections and holding power. In so doing, the pseudo religionists,
along with American jurisprudence, are the storm cell that eventuates in a Category
5 hurricane. Boyd, his array of
apprentice abortionists, and his political supporters huddle, sheltered within
Roe vs. Wade’s eye of the monstrous storm.
And here we lie, “Etherized on a Table…”
a recent article in the Santa Fe New Reporter
by Joey Peters, Boyd “goes to work every day clad in his gray surgical gown.” He
becomes almost invisible as the world around him, numbly lie “etherized upon a table” as described in
T.S. Eliot’s poem, The Love Song of J.
Alfred Prufrock. Boyd fits squarely into the modern moral nooks and
crannies of today’s “fifty shades of gray,” a politically correct and legally
acceptable world of hyper-tolerance. Unfortunately, we as a society, find
ourselves in Boyd’s and his supporters’ political and moral anesthesia. We find ourselves in the wake of a river of
dead babies that flow from his scalpel.
story of abortion in the sparsely populated state of New Mexico, and how it has
become a political live wire is much deeper than Boyd’s individual perspective
as a single abortionist. Perhaps he is a bit cleaner in his trade than his
colleague Kermit Gosnell. But essentially their day to day life was essentially
the same.
tacit acceptability of abortion in our time is a mode of human behavior, that
cooperates with an underlying hubris in going beyond what had long been
considered taboo. This acceptability under the valley of the shadow of Roe vs.
Wade is like an extreme sport in which limits are tested for no reason other
than to test them. This penchant for the testing of frontiers reminds me of the
biblical story of Tower of Babel. Men of knowledge came together to reach for
heaven to grab God by the heavenly whiskers to claim equality to him. (See Phil
2:6) Likewise, the construction of the tall Tower
of Abortive Choice finds its massive foundation made with the concrete and
steel rebar of what John Milton’s Paradise
Lost calls “man’s first disobedience.”
craft and its political and legal support beams, footings and stem walls find their
basis in what many have called a fairy tale -- the often times chagrined story
of the fall of man and his famous disobedience in the Garden of Eden.
The Nahash and Mans First Disobedience (Genesis 3)
Hebraic version of the story speaks of a “nahash:”
a serpent at minimum, and a behemoth
at most, who beguiled the first generation of parents with regard to their use
of the gift of free will. At the center of the protagonists’ crisis of decision
was this chronic question of a “choice” to be made. In the story as related in
the Book of Genesis, there were admonitions of moral clarity regarding what the
first parents were free to do or not do. The great temptation as it was then is
as it is now. According to the story, to follow the beguiler’s advice resulted
in the first global catastrophe of man’s existence. It was the precursor to the
Tower of Babel as it represented a supreme trespass upon a higher realm of both
knowledge and an existence not yet meant for this created species. (Genesis
Judeo-Christianity faces the same affront of “choice” in the beguiling disguise
of freedom. Those who believe the tenets of the Judeo-Christian tradition must
ask whether or not a “choice” to end the “life” of an unborn child is a gross
trespass into the celestial purview of God. How do Boyd and his religious
supporters reconcile this kind of act with a faith that recognizes such
boldness as pride? Peters’ interview
with Boyd reveals that Boyd actually concedes that “life” begins at conception.
According to Peters’ article, Boyd says “life” begins even before conception,
in the fact of a living sperm cell. So
if abortion kills life (Hebrew: L’Chaim),
how do Boyd and his nominal supporters reconcile this killing with the Mosaic
Law, specifically the sixth commandment of the Decalogue? (Exodus 20:13)
history of the world has been subject to what Milton, the blind poet, writes
was “man’s first disobedience” aka,
“choice.” This is the foundation of this Tower
of Abortive Choice, and it appears to be nearing its completion. In Peters’
article, Boyd states that all of what he does has its foundation in what “comes down to a notion that has flowed
through it (presumably time or history) like water for decades: choice.” Boyd conflates “choice” as
an ultimate good. Yet looking a little closer renders the “choice” as no end in
itself. The end is what follows in the long train of consequences that follow
that decisive moment. The choice is a means to the ends that either are “good”
or “bad,” to a “virtue” or a “vice.”
A Liturgical Blood Sacrifice for a False Freedom
the same interview, Boyd states that he does his work with “a great sense of pride” and that what he does is a “privilege” and that it is a “powerful experience.” Boyd has even said
that he “values pregnancies.” Boyd goes
on to describe his role in providing for the spiritual welfare of a mother
about to undergo his procedures. According to Peters’ article, Boyd has
admitted to “blessing” both the
mother and the “fetus.” Boyd’s having been a Christian Universalist preacher
presumably allows him that comfort. How cozy! But such is what happens when
builders of a great tower zealously lay brick upon brick without first noting
that they are using torn flesh and spilled blood for its mortar.
hearing his own words, you would think Boyd was instead, the Reverend Dr. Boyd,
conducting a kind of high church liturgy, a “sacrificium
taurobollium” once used by ancient
Mithra worshipers. So thus, simple choice dawns the green “scrub” vestments of
a new priesthood – the priesthood of “holy choice.”
Ancient Mithraic
sacrifices were bloody affairs conducted by pagan societies to purge away sin.
These rites were a blood baptism, extracting with surgical precision the
internal organs of a bull. Likewise, the steady hand of the high priest Boyd
extracts a heart, a lung, or maybe even a pancreas in order to adore the holy
tower of choice while at the same time allegedly bartering the parts to a local
university for research sans consent of the mother whose rights they acted to
protect. Boyd is now in district court over his lack of disclosure to a mother
who has since regretted her mistake.
secular world and its political envoy Planned Parenthood, consider Boyd a folk hero
of this ultimate statue of the goddess,
Choice, to venerate as she grasps upon her own child’s heart in place of a
torch, not unlike the Aztecs of old. This is the goddess of whom Boyd invokes
his macabre blessings of dead fetuses. And along with the pro-choice lobby are
the community organizing, pseudo catholic and Christian social justice lobbies
that put on the masque of Christianity. Some hide or disguise their political play
by placing other social justice concerns as a higher priority than abortion. In
this way they attenuate the full force of the magisterial church’s opposition.
there are legislators who are Christian who are members of a political party
that has more than adopted the “pro-choice” mantra within its party platform. This
party calls those who follow Christian teachings to protect life in the womb as
heretical and exclude them from their numbers. Members of that party think
nothing of running for candidacy for governor, senator, or representative at
any level of government and minimize the issue of ending life in the womb as a
secondary issue that does not rise to the level of standards of living,
economics, and so called social justice (i.e. immigration, inclusive rights for
women and minorities).
Buying Holiness and Redeeming Corrupt Consciences
so-called Catholics are celebrated as strong parochial members who overtly do
“good things” for the poor. They want to be recognized and noticed for this.
And yet, they are not lovingly corrected for their failure to understand that there
is no good they have ever done that can pay the price for the loss of one solitary
life. They are not counseled by church leadership that they cannot buy their
holiness, or buy their fidelity to the Church by giving time, money and talent
to immigration issues while at the same time taking money from abortion lobbies,
and claiming that they are freed by their consciences because they go on
missions to other countries.
group of various ecumenical Christian clergy called the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice lobbies heavily for
their revered “choice.” While thankfully the group has no known members from
Catholic clergy, they have the tacit support of those who are looking for any
excuse to say that Christianity approves of their stance. The Coalition and its
followers have justified this notion of “choice” as some quixotic approach to
being kind and merciful to the Dulceneas
of the world.
These workers in
the vineyard of death have done far worse than support the killing of unborn
babies; they have lied to themselves about the wrongness of it. They have
become prisoners to a party platform of death, and they have come to love their
own incarceration. The Religious
Coalition for Reproductive Choice has become the abortionist’s megaphone
amplifying ancient serpentine whispers of the nahash. They are under a delusion that they are truly advancing
women’s health, equality for women, and access to health care for the poor
while they are really reaching up trying to pluck the whiskers of God Himself.
builders of the Tower of Abortive Choice
are like the “flying monkeys” of the Wizard of Oz, doing a malevolent bidding
meanwhile mocking the truth and obscuring the reality that life is life; and
death is death; good is good, and evil is evil.
Meanwhile, the
Reverend Dr. Boyd has become a master of allusion, illusion, and delusion,
perhaps for the sake of some inner pride of personal social achievement. Perhaps
his goal is to be at the very top of the Tower
of Abortive Choice in order to achieve equality with the author of life and
death. After all, he is a former minister who speaks, as it is written in Peters’
article, “with a twinge of an accent that betrays the small east Texas town he
grew up in,” –Texas motherhood and apple pie, and all things truly American. He
can’t be all that bad, can he?
An Odd Consensus: “Life Begins at Conception”
the surprise of many who hold similar views on the topic, Boyd has openly
opined that life does begin at conception. However, with a philosopher’s
gravitas, he then explains that the life-entity in the womb has no soul until
the fetus (Latin: offspring) is born.
In Peters’ article, he said: “Birth is
when you take a breath of life.” he has said. “In our culture personhood has always begun at birth” and Boyd states
that is the “legal basis” of his own support for doing this. Of course, we can
easily forget, he performed abortions prior to Roe vs. Wade, according to
Peters’ biopic. Boyd even waxes theological stating that the “ensoulment” of a child “happens when the child takes its first
wonder whether or not Boyd considered whether or not the baby Jesus in the womb
had a soul and therefore might not be a real person conceived by the Holy
Spirit in the Gospel of Luke. You can’t be Christian and believe a soulless incarnation
is true. Boyd should stick to mincing flesh and stay away from mincing
words. There is no word in Hebrew for
soul, but there is the word for life. If Boyd admits that human life begins at
conception, then his “ensoulment”
argument does not fly. The Platonic concept of “Soul” is Greco-Roman, and it was
foreign to both the Semitic culture and language. So when he admits that “life”
begins in the womb, he is conceding he is killing. He is offending the long
continuum of the Mosaic Law and all that has made western civilization
moral struggle we all face in the context of legal infanticide is more than a
polemical conflict between life, and this proffered “choice;” of the mother to kill
her living child, geography aside. Infanticide by “mother” is oxymoronic since
to be a “mother” is to have a child, and if you abort the child, then the so
called mother is no real mother at all. The result is a future cognitive
dissonance that is pronounced, deep, and long lasting, and thus, truly tragic.
This mirage of
“choice” is a trap that leads to an ultimate Warholian vision of retiring
societal norms for the sake of an eventual deconstructionist societal anarchy. The proponents of this dystopia see time
tested mores, rules, and normative codes as shackles of intolerance that need
to be broken for the sake of liberty. Anarchists simply say, “Break the
shackles” and do away with the rules for the sake of holy liberty. Not to do so
is anathema.
The Wages of Abortion is Anarchy
wages of abortion will indeed be anarchy if we carry the “choice” mantra as far
as it can go. Using one’s personal power to jump off a cliff does not make the
jumper more powerful. The word “Choice” fits as well on a political bumper
sticker as it does on a coffin large or small. Choice is an argument that says
I have the power; and, it is mine to use even at the expense of the least
powerful. As Shakespeare once wrote, “everything
includes itself into power, power into will, will into appetite, and appetite,
that universal wolf makes perforce a universal prey and last eats up himself.”
It is the reason Mother Teresa prophesied that until we end abortion, there
will never be peace. She said this receiving the Nobel Peace Prize no less.
stands to reason that a woman arguing for choice is the same woman who would be
the first to concede that a woman’s human body is not property or chattel, a
“thing” to be owned by anyone. Therefore, as she cannot be owned by anyone, the
body she prizes so highly is in reality not her own body either. Thus, the body
within her -- is also not hers.
Of Human Bondage, Icarus and Shakespeare’s Colossus
Roe vs. Wade, Boyd along with Margaret Sanger eugenics advocates were like
Eliot’s Prufrock protagonists, bucking up against their vision of a shackled
universe of human bondage. In such a world, rules, order, mores, and ethical
standards are authoritarian antagonists crippling a species designed to be
gods. The world of “choice” which they propose is the freedom to be Icarus with
wings of wax flying up to touch the sun. In such a world, rules are arcane and
are obstacles to the ultimate evolution of man to be as gods.
them “choice” is liberating. “Choice” is the ultimate good because it allows
humanity to transcend humanity to become “inspirited”
(vis-a-vis incarnated) and thus deified.
The watching world, like Shakespeare’s Cassius observing Julius Caesar,
says: “Why man he doth bestride the
narrow waters like a Colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs and
peep about." In Roe v Wade, the Chief lawgivers, Colossus-like, did
not strike at mores, rules, commandments, or words, but rather flesh and blood
-- “the petty men,” those with no vote, the very frontier of the margins of our
species, un-namely, unborn lives.
Chief lawgivers have made tombs of wombs, and fumes of blooms, and by doing so,
they disassemble future choices a billion-fold. They snag the principal existential
thread of their argument and thereby unravel the pale vestments of their “sacred
choice” that they so worship and adore. This is the work of anarchy. And as
such, an anarchical world is a chaotic world – a taho wabaho, where darkness and the deep prevail. Thus, anarchy is
disguised in the ghostly robes of this goddess “Choice.”
empowered, Boyd and company sing like Eliot’s Prufrock: “Do I dare disturb the universe? In a minute there is time for decisions
and revisions which a minute will reverse.” After Roe vs. Wade, it seems as
though Eliot’s “minute of reversal” appears not yet to have arrived. But it
will, no doubt -- as all reckonings do. As Shakespeare warns, appetites like
wolves nihilistically self-satisfy.
Poe’s Pendulum, desert Mirages and Prufrock’s Mermaids
modernists and pseudo Christians would have us live and navigate our way as
Eliot writes, “When the evening is spread
out against the sky, like a patient etherized upon a table.” They would have us become abysmally numb to
moral order defined by the weight of historical perspectives. To them, truth is
dystopia. It is relative, and right is the thin sharp cutting edge of Edgar
Allen Poe’s moving pendulum insensitively slicing and dicing its shackled and
bound Prometheus in the pit below. Their
solution? Ride the pendulum. Their ethic
is to be above the fray even as the sharpened edge of their scalpel cuts away
at the very essence of existence itself. Their success is enveloped in our
etherized voyeurism of the spectacle until the slicing and dicing is no longer
a spectacle and is only a bleep among the blaring horns and sirens of the
normalcy of everyday traffic. Man’s new normal.
of this is inconsistent with Christianity. Christianity is counter cultural.
Right and wrong are not on an evolutionary continuum or Hegelian dialectic.
Truth is not a concept. Truth is flesh and blood. Truth is the person of Jesus
Christ. Truth is the incarnation of God Himself. (John 14:6) To the Christian,
life is life and death is death. A male is a male and a female is a female.
They are given in marriage for the sake of offspring born of love, not
convenience or even pleasure. Wrong is a
perturbation of the right. It is a corruption of what is good, though it can
easily be shape-shifted in verbal jousts to appear and sound good -- but not
Like a mirage in
a desert, water appears there ahead of us, but alas is not. Such is the skill
of the real devil while his sophomoric agents litigate his desire to have us anarchically
self-obliterate. The devil and his agents would have us live in a world of gray
and of shadows for his comfort, not ours. But that is an age old story.
is Prufrock’ s stuck minute hand of a faltering clock of time that is giving the
Boyd’s of the world a momentary frolic with the audacity of tyrants to surf the
dead sea of false grace as they claim to be religious men in their interviews and
legislative witnesses while being butchers at the cold sterile stainless steel
tables. Sadly, as Eliot writes, Boyd and his lobby will hear “mermaids singing, each to each…. riding
seaward on the waves…. By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown, till
human voices wake us, and we drown.” What human voices? Could it be that
Boyd, like Prufrock, could be awakened one day with a cacophony of dismembered
children’s voices who were victims of the Reverend Boyd’s cruel craft?
The Unborn Immigrant --- Wherein the Church Leadership?
The lonely
unborn life is no less an immigrant than unaccompanied minors crossing a
treacherous border in the desert southwest. I have met them and they certainly
are in need of concern, love, and protection. But ironically, unlike the unborn
immigrant in the womb, the unaccompanied minor has a chance at life. However
constricted it may be, no one is seeking to end it with hammer and sickle. Something
tells me that this gentle heart of the unborn immigrant beats so rapidly
awaiting to cross a border designed by a higher power, and their heartbeat is
their visa that should not be revoked. But instead of deportations, there are
“abortations” (sic).
According to
encyclical writings and teachings of the church, protection of unborn life
takes priority in terms of voicing the church’s abhorrence to any act,
political, social, or cultural, to deter, abate, defile, abuse, and extirpate
that unique heart beat wherein lies the soul of the child and of mankind. Hers
is the thinnest string on a guitar that if removed, is the degree Shakespeare
spoke of when he wrote “take but degree
away, un-tune that string, and hark – what discord follows.” In the music
of the universe, the removal of one single soul by our trespass action is in
fact the desafinamiento – the un-tuning
of the immense symphony of the universe. Each one is as grave a sin as man’s
“first disobedience.” The future consequences are enormous and incalculable but
for the enormity of the mercy of God Himself.
The unborn immigrant
is attacked with absolutely no protection. For such an immigrant, the wages of
crossing the natural border from what should be a real sanctuary city of the
womb into the frontier of light and air is to have her brains sucked out by a
syringe. And where is the church to stand and accuse the politicians, and
community organizers concerning their specific acts of abuse in the protected
votes they take in the hallowed halls of congress or our legislature?
Ironically, convicted felons like El Chapo are treated with more respect.
It is the
acquiescence of church leadership in hopes of a “cumbaya” ecumenical jamboree with religious leaders who are
Christian or Catholic superficially and in name only. That acquiescence has
empowered New Mexico’s supposed catholic and main line protestant legislators to
be “free agents” always being guided not by any kind of spirituality or solid
catequesis, but by a lack of those. Rather, they are guided by the Alinsky-ite
social justice groups and a Democratic Party platform that demands their
membership be enslaved to the Tower of
Abortive Rights.
And so it seems
as though Church leadership is only tangentially involved, standing along the
sidelines as a kind of cheer leader. Oh,
they attend the national right to life rallies, appear on EWTN events and photo
ops, and make grand overture pronouncements in support of the prolife movement.
But there appears to be a lack of true dedicated spiritually-driven persistence
on the part of the Church leadership with the end game of driving out the
abortion demon from a culture that is essentially Judeo Christian.
So the
resistance efforts are highly dependent upon local rag-tag groups that band
together often times alone and in the rain, praying their hearts out over this
great national tragedy. These groups are at the bottom of the USCCB funding
chain while the social justice warrior groups eat up most of the Campaign for
Human Development pie.
It is as though Jesus is agonizing in the
Garden of Gethsemane, and all the apostles are snoozing. Albuquerque is simply
one of many, but among the most profitable, pernicious, and pervasive battle
fronts in this war. For this reason, the American political system has been
wrought with a rancid zero-sum game polemic between the religious right and the
secular left – between pro-life and pro-choice – between good and evil and
ultimately, between God and the devil. And at the battlefront are the most
innocent of souls. "Ensoulment," to use Boyd’s term, happens at the moment of
conception and made manifest at the first beating of the child’s heart.
The Devil and the Reverend Dr. Boyd
the end, the devil need not work on the Reverend Dr. Boyd -- whose Faustian
blood oath was signed years ago in the hills of east Texas perhaps near
Nacogdoches, or some such quaint place where black ice on its curvy roads
beguile the un-forewarned. However, that ol’ devil now undoubtedly works on
those who would do Boyd’s bidding. The ancient foe’s whispers echo in the halls
of power. The ancient lie convinces supporters of abortive rights that they are
heroes of freedom and liberty, and their critics are bigots and xenophobes.
reverend Dr. Boyd’s time will someday run out.
He is an old man desperate to train a new batch of ghouls. He and his
support mechanisms will have to face eternal consequences for each life
terminated; but more so for their lies to themselves and their constituencies;
the lies to the women who themselves are “etherized
on the table” with the “good” reverend’s false blessings over a dead baby’s
parts. Meanwhile several of men and women self-identified as Catholics and
Christians, pridefully sit in pews. They sit in cathedrals and churches
self-righteously unaware of the Nahash that slithers next to them. They are
tickled delightfully with lauds, recognition, and accolades because of their
overt generosity to the poor and hungry by an etherized clergy afraid to offend
because it is hateful and unfashionable.
Reverend Doctor and his supporters will all be held accountable for their false
religiosity while they continue to float downstream in T.S. Eliot’s “yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the
window-panes, Lick(ing) its tongue into the corners of the evening…”
is the way of the devil’s ancient whispers concerning “choice.” And in the end,
as took place with the Tower of Babel, the Tower
of Abortive Choice will abort itself. It will collapse upon itself and upon
all those who tried to build it as a monument to the moment they would become as
god. Evil hopes for nothing less -- but it is after all -- their “choice.”
What an impressively crafted piece of purposeful literature! Sadly, it's message will, in large part, be lost on a world of readers with truncated concentration spans and equally challenged moral understandings. Nonetheless, the value and validity of your words remain as a valuable signpost for those of us that choose to see it on our human journey home. Thank you, Tom, for spending time and energy giving birth to this masterful tour de force!